Archive for the Category »e-texts «

Get a poetry App!

iPhonePoetryPicThere is a poetry app from The Poetry Foundation available for free on the AppStore.

If you want to read some great poetry on your mobile device, or to choose a specific poem to suit your mood or location then this is the app for you.

You can read poetry from Eliot, Neruda, Emily Dickinson and many others. You can use the app to search for your favourite poem by keyword or phrase too.

The US based Poetry Foundation web site is a great resource for poetry in the English language. See their home page here.

There is a debate that mobile technology will do away with the printed book. That children, wholly adapted to the e-world, will no longer value the bound and printed text. What do you think?

If you think the book is dying, use our contact us page to send us a message at the Marham Community Library.

We don’t think so, but we’d like to know what you feel about the matter?